Time for more #jazzviz. This time I’m taking a look at pianist Benny Green and a subset of his network. I define a musician’s network as the individuals who are named as performing artists on their published albums. To gather those data, I use the discogs API and various R packages. Note that I do this imperfectly! I haven’t yet mastered lists and purrr to clean up my act. This stands in contrast to Benny Green, who’s act is fantastic! Just listen to his albums, or see him live when this pandemic ends.


How’d I create this network plot? Basically, discogs.com permits you to download their massive music dataset which includes information about every album and all of the personnel on them. It gets a little more complicated, especially when you need to use a tiny bit of combinatorics to make a list of every possible album-personnel interaction. For all the details, see my R code below. And if you have improvements to offer, please let me know. I still can’t seem to grab all the data I want from discogs (several Benny Green albums aren’t referenced in the network plot), so I need to improve my technique.


# download all releases associated with Benny Green
dc<-discogs_artist_releases(96442) #Bennygreen
dc<-dc$content  # Take a look at the main data frame and clean it up
dc2<-dc %>%   filter(role=="Main" ) %>%  group_by(title) %>% 
  summarise(    release_code=first(main_release),    year=first(year),
    role=first(role),type=first(type),    label=first(label),    in_wantlist_sum=sum(stats.community.in_wantlist) )

rlist<-as.list(dc2$release_code)  # create a list of releases for this artist
rlist<-Filter(Negate(anyNA), rlist) # remove NAs from this list

# define a function that iteratively downloads release data
fullReleaseData<-list()  # make a blank list of full release data
fullRelease <- function(rlist){
  for(i in 1: length(rlist) ){
    frset <- fromJSON(paste0("https://api.discogs.com/releases/", as.character(rlist[i])))
    message("Retrieving page ", i)
    Sys.sleep(2) # deal with rate limit
    fullReleaseData[[i+1]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(frset$id, frset$title,frset$year,
                                                  frset$extraartists$role))    }
  message("Total rows=", dim(fullReleaseData[[2]])[1] )    }

# now use the `fullRelease` function!
albumdata<-fullRelease(rlist[13]) # this step can be problematic; sometimes get 404 errors depending on accessor value

#save results as csv (improve this process)
lapply(albumdata[1:length(albumdata)], function(x) write.table( data.frame(x), 
    append= T, sep=',' ))

The remainder of my code performs some data cleaning, and then applies the igraph package to make the network plot.