Jazzy Tweeters

Thanks to Paul VanderLaken’s very useful 2017 post, I’ve started to look at networks of jazz fans on Twitter. Using tweetR, purrr and igraph one can quickly obtain and organize (or, retrieve and adjust for Gilliam fans), large lists of individuals who use certain hashtags.

The network map below displays the most popular users of #jazz in posts (as of late July 2020). Node radius is proportional to in-degree – the number of other twitter users who are friends with a given node. So, we see that Jazzineu and London Jazz are quite popular among jazz heads.

Orange nodes have a high “betweenness” value, meaning they are important hubs in the network. Even if they are less popular, they are brokers in the jazz fan network more than others, Jazz_Alley being a prime example.

Click and drag the nodes, and scroll your mouse wheel, to get a better view.